Tuesday, October 30, 2018

WORK Data 246 - Vodka bottle represents a chucrh cathedra or Chrylsye Skyscraper...Wardencyffe Tower .. employee ploy ..... Lutheran LU Church–Missouri Synod (system node)..


explains  key word concepts -->

Data 246 -

Vodka bottle represents a
church cathedral or

Chrysler  Skyscraper building as a ...

Nikola Tesla

Wardenclyffe Tower  

employee ploy .....

Lutheran  LU  Church–Missouri Synod (system node)..

code --> Luxury -->  Lu X --> Logical Unit X

What is logical unit (LU)? - Definition from WhatIs.com

    In IBMs Systems Network Architecture SNA a logical unit LU identifies an end user in an SNA network By end user IBM means either a human being that i...

    Logical Unit (LU)  ...... Lu --> Lutheran Church  

    human bio-computer data collectors that  BRING
    themselves (human data packages) 
    CHURCH geological stone/rock buildings whose atomic mass
    acquires DATA and KNOWLEDGE   from the human data containers

    - Microsoft Developer Network

    logical unit (LU) is a configurable unit of software that contains the information needed to specify the type of communications session with the host computer or ...

    Cathedral of Saint Mary
    of the Immaculate Conception 

    (Peoria ...

    Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception

    Peoria ......  atomic limestone/granite/marble
    ....orbitals  of atomic mass BUILDING  collect   data
    during the religious mass

    ..... data  SESSION  between Nature's
    FIXED stone ROCK ......  ROC atoms
    and 2-legged humans .......
    whose human mobility allows their bio-atoms
    to go about and
    generate knowledge in labs and thru social activity, etc.

    Rock has been used by humankind throughout history. The minerals and metals in rocks have been essential to human civilization. Three major groups of rocks are defined: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. The scientific study of rocks is called petrology, which is an essential component of geology.

    Rock (geology  and buildings ) - Wikipedia


    St Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church - Fort Wayne, IN

    Types of Rocks Used in Building Materials | Hunker

    https://www.hunker.com › ... › Building & Remodeling › Architecture
    Jun 25, 2010 - According to the Dry Stone Conservancy, limestone was a widely utilized building material in American colonial times. Stone structures are fireproof, insect-proof and often will withstand earthquakes, making rock an ideal building material. Many types of rocks are used in building materials in modern times.

    Lutheran  LU  Church–Missouri Synod (system node)  - Wikipedia

      The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS), often referred to simply as the Missouri Synod, is a traditional, confessional Lutheran denomination in the United ...
      Members‎: ‎2,017,834 baptized; 1,584,251 confi...
      Structure‎: ‎National synod, 35 middle level distr...
      Congregations‎: ‎6,101
      Secondary schools‎: ‎86

      History · ‎Beliefs · ‎Practices · ‎Church structure
      St Paul Evangelical
      St Paul Evangelical
      St Paul 

      St Paul Evangelical
      St Paul Evangelical
      St Paul Evan 

      Stephen Hawking (1942–2018) - Nature

      https://www.nature.com › nature › obituaries
      Mar 14, 2018 - Against all expectations, he lived on for 55 years, becoming one of the world's most celebrated scientists. Hawking, who died on 14 March 2018 ...

      Stephen Hawking, scientist, 1942-2018 - Financial Times

      Mar 13, 2018 - Stephen Hawking, scientist, 1942-2018. Stephen Hawking, who has died at the age of 76, was one of the most brilliant scientists of his age — and the best known physicist since Einstein.

      Stephen Hawking, scientist, 1942-2018 - Financial Times

      Stephen Hawking   42 (Base 4 exponent 2 = base 16) 

      Hawking   cofFin

      Hawking   co  fF  in --> Code .... hex'FF' ..... input
      to the Base 16  Hex'AF' --> Afterlife continuum  of

      Af region ...Africa  ..described by

      David   Livingstone

      David Livingstone | Biography, Expeditions, & Facts | Britannica.com

        May 1, 2018 - David Livingstone: David Livingstone, Scottish missionary and explorer who exercised a formative influence on Western attitudes toward Africa.

        BBC - History - Historic Figures: David Livingstone (1813 - 1873)

          Discover facts about the Victorian missionary Dr David Livingstone who explored Africa. Find out why he was a national hero.

          Data ideaa  Living  grave stone  (atoms and orBIT  .... data  BITS )



          Ploy - definition of ploy by The Free Dictionary

          Define ployploy synonyms, ploy pronunciation, ploy translation, English dictionary ... have something up one's sleeve To have a secret scheme or trick in mind, ... such as a plot, a conspiracy, or an enquiry about nothing, … which method of ...

          Ploy Synonyms, Ploy Antonyms | Thesaurus.com

            Synonyms for ploy at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Find descriptive alternatives for ploy. ... noun. planplot.

            Plot vs. Ploy | the difference - CompareWords

            A share in such a plot or scheme; a participation in any stratagem or conspiracy. (n.) Contrivance; deep reach of thought; ability to plot or intrigue. (n.) A plan; a ...

            END of explanation


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