Wednesday, October 31, 2018

ZZZ-65 Data 278 - Vincent van Gogh centrifugal force and John Locke blood computer 8100 DPCX logan X-men thorne poetry and information fountains


explains  key word concepts -->

ZZZ-65  Data 278 -

Vincent van Gogh centrifugal force 

John Locke

blood computer 8100 DPCX 

logan X-men algebra thorne 

poetry data entry  

Ayn Rand  information fountains 

Vincent van Gogh - Wikipedia
Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who is among the most famous and  influential figures in the history of Western art. In just over a decade he created about 2,100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings, most of them in the last two years of his life. They include landscapes, still lifes, ...

Nationality‎: ‎Dutch
Known for‎: ‎Painting, drawing
Education‎: ‎Anton Mauve
Movement‎: ‎Post-Impressionism

Vincent van  Gogh chops off ear - Dec 23, 1888 -
In addition to the beginning of World War II, December 23, 1970 is the day when the north tower of the World Trade Center, what was then the largest building in the world, was finally completed. In addition, it was on this day, in 1888, when the genius Vincent Van Gogh chopped his ear off.

Why did Vincent van Gogh cut his ear on December 23, 1888? - PBS
Dec 14, 2016 - Why did Vincent van Gogh cut his ear on December 231888? During his 15-month stay in the city of Arles, in the south of France, an aspiring artist Vincent van Gogh would paint more than two hundred paintings that captured the people and places he encountered.

Vincent van  Gogh

Vincent van  Gogh chops off earth communications LINK  

 Dec 23, --> latitude 23 message to human air heads of France 

Social contract - Wikipedia
Jump to John Locke's Second Treatise of Government (1689) - Hugo Grotius (1625), Thomas Hobbes (1651), Samuel Pufendorf (1673), John Locke (1689), Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1762), and Immanuel Kant (1797) are among the most prominent of 17th- and 18th-century theorists of social contract and natural rights. ... Grotius posited that individual human beings had natural rights.

Locke's Political Philosophy (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Jump to State of Nature - Locke writes “want [lack] of a common judge, with authority, puts all persons in a state of nature” and again, “Men living according to reason, without ... According to Simmons, since the state of nature is a moral account, it is compatible with a wide variety of social accounts without contradiction.

John Locke | Natural Law, Natural Rights, and American ...
Locke speaks of a state of nature where men are free, equal, and independent. He champions the social contract and government by consent. He goes even farther than Hobbes in arguing . that government must respect the rights of individuals. It was Locke's formula for limited government, more than Hobbes's, that inspired ..

The Social Contract
All of these philosophers used "the state of nature" as a thought experiment for thinking about political legitimacy and shared the conclusion that governments have their origin in an implied social contract. Citizens agree to surrender absolute freedom and obey laws in exchange for the greater security and prosperity that ...

Social Contract Theory and the State of Nature - Fact / Myth
Aug 9, 2016 - Social Contract Theory is the theory of why people form governments based on how people lived in a State of Nature before government.

Nature of man, state of nature and social contract -- john locke vs. …
Jan 6, 2013 - THOMAS HOBBES AND JOHN LOCKE Nature of Man State of Nature Social Contract Theory.

Herbert Spencer - Cardiff University

It has been said that Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) exerted an influence upon the intellectual history of his time far in excess of the intrinsic merit of his work. ..... But now before trying to explain these most involved phenomena,
we must learn by inspecting them the actual relations of coexistence and sequence in which they ...

BM 8100 DPCX - Wikipedia
DPCX (Distributed Processing Control eXecutive) was an operating system for the IBM 8100 small computer system. IBM hoped it would help their installed base of IBM 3790 customers migrate to the 8100 and the DPPX operating system. It was mainly deployed to support a word processing system, Distributed Office ...

BM 8100 DPCX - Wikipedia
DPCX (Distributed Processing Control eXecutive) was an operating system for the IBM 8100 small computer system. IBM hoped it would help their installed base of IBM 3790 customers migrate to the 8100 and the DPPX operating system. It was mainly deployed to support a word processing system, Distributed Office ...

John Keats | Poetry Foundation
In the case of the English ode he brought its form, in the five great odes of 1819, to its most perfect definition. In his own lifetime John Keats would not have been associated with other major Romantic poets, and he himself was often uneasy among them.

The 2-legged humans walking  on COMPUTER EARTH geography land surface .....

their  weight/pressure  data entry into  the earth atoms.

END of explanation


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